When you think back to your own schooling, your memories are of one teacher in one classroom for the whole year with the same group of kids. You either got along with that teacher or you didn’t which determined if your year was a long one or an enjoyable one. 

The teachers that you recall were ones that you had a great relationship with and that made learning fun.

At Nichols Point relationships are key! They are vital in creating a learning environment that is safe and secure for kids. ‘Kids First’ is the motto we live by here at The Point and it underpins everything that we do. Every decision that is made has kids at the forefront.

Open Learning Recording.m4a

Kids first


Here at the point we believe in developing future ready citizens, however in most circumstances the future is already here! 

That's why ICT plays a pivotal focus at Nichols Point Primary. We are a Google certified school and offer a broad ICT curriculum, including coding and extensive robotics. What our kids continually achieve never ceases to amaze us! 

We currently have:

Specialist Classes

Once a week students spend time in specialists classes, these include:

Physical Education


Visual Arts

Performing Arts



We are very fortunate to have specialist music lessons here on site that families can opt into. These are offered through a partnership with:

Iwan Soebardi- Guitar lessons

Andrea Soebardi- Singing lessons

Sean Leerson- Drums lessons

Sport at The Point

We offer

At The Point we run whole school programs to ensure consistency of language and curriculum delivery. 

Staff use the Gradual Release of Responsibility model to plan and deliver lessons. 

In Literacy staff refer to the following to guide their teaching and learning:


In Numeracy staff refer to the following to guide their teaching and learning: